Denver Lacrosse Club Code of Conduct


It is expected and required that players, coaches, and parents participating in Denver Lacrosse Club Leagues dedicate themselves to upholding the highest standard of conduct and competence. Sportsmanship and ethical values highlighting respect, fairness, civility, honesty, integrity, and accountability are the foundation of the sport and aspired by all participants regardless of the location of contest.

Players, coaches and parents shall agree to:

  • Provide positive support, care, and encouragement for any participant in Denver Lacrosse Club programs
  • Place emotional and physical well being of all participants ahead of a personal desire to win
  • Demonstrate humility in winning and dignity in losing knowing that each provides positive contributions to good sportsmanship
  • Refrain from the use of profane or provocative language or gestures
  • Treat opponents, officials, teammates, and spectators with respect and appreciation regardless of race,sex,creed,or ability
  • Verbal and/or physical abuse will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion from the program
  • Provide for the safety and comfort of visiting teams and officials by providing a safe field to compete upon and amenities such as water and a changing station whenever possible
  • Not play or participate in any behavior that increases the risks inherent to contact sports such as lacrosse. This includes knowingly utilizing illegal equipment or altering in non-regulated fashion
  • Render a standard of care for injured participants and having a competent line of communication for emergencies.
  • Refrain from the use of alcohol, tobacco products or illegal substances at all Denver Lacrosse Club sponsored events
  • Be aware that DLC teams are responsible for the actions of their participants, fans, officials, and administrators and may be penalized therefore by their actions

By registering you have committed to Denver Lacrosse Club Code of Conduct.

Denver Lacrosse Club President has final judgement in all matters of conduct. Conduct penalties will be determined on a case to case basis and are subject to appeal.